Materials and Structures
(Additive Manufacturing, Smart Materials)
All the faculty members listed below work on research related to this specific topic.

Bin Mu
ASU School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Prof. Bin Mu’s group has been focusing on the design, synthesis, and functionalization of nanostructured porous particles and membrane materials for a variety of applications in the areas of energy, environments, and biomedical engineering.

Xiangfan Chen
ASU The Polytechnic School
Dr. Chen’s research interests focus on advanced manufacturing technologies for emerging applications in the areas of photonics, energy, and biomedical engineering.

Houlong Zhuang
ASU School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Dr. Zhunag’s research works with applying data-driven machine learning approaches and quantum mechanics calculations to design engineering materials.

Qiong Nian
ASU School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Dr. Nian’s research interests include nanomanufacturing, additive manufacturing, laser based material processing, laser matter interaction and physical simulation; inkjet printing of functional materials; and 2D materials fabrication.

Hamid Marvi
ASU School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Dr. Marvi’s research aims to study fundamental physics behind interactions of biological systems with their
surrounding solid, granular, and fluidic environments.

Kenan Song
ASU The Polytechnic School
Dr. Song’s reseatch focuses on developing fundamental knowledge concerning (i) creating new 3D printing mechanisms, (ii) innovating design principles, (iii) building-up, and, (iv) characterizing filler-matrix interactions toward fabricating nanocomposite materials and systems.

Yang Jiao
ASU School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Dr. Jiao’s research focus in the understanding of the fundamental physics of a wide range of material systems including composite materials, colloids, polymer gels, granular materials, and biological tissues and cells, using a variety of analytical and computational techniques devised in heterogeneous material theory, statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics and discrete geometry.

Xiangjia Li
ASU School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Li’s research interests focus on the development of smart additive manufacturing and biomimetic
additive manufacturing technologies.