Human System
(Human-machine Interaction, Brain)
All the faculty members listed below work on research related to this specific topic.

Rong Pan
ASU School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering
Dr. Pan’s research interests are on Statistical Modeling and Data Analytics of Complex Systems, including: Quality and Reliability Engineering, Design of Experiments, Bayesian Statistics, Machine Learning and Optimization.

Kenan Song
ASU The Polytechnic School
Dr. Song’s reseatch focuses on developing fundamental knowledge concerning (i) creating new 3D printing mechanisms, (ii) innovating design principles, (iii) building-up, and, (iv) characterizing filler-matrix interactions toward fabricating nanocomposite materials and systems.

Sze Zheng Yong
ASU School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Dr. Yong’s research focuses on control and estimation theory; formal methods; hybrid systems; safety and security of cyberphysical systems; intention-aware, multi-agent robotic systems and autonomous vehicles; mixed-integer and robust optimization.